Tuesday, November 16, 2010

29 Week Doctor Visits/Updates

How Far Am I: 29 weeks, 1 day. Approximately 11 weeks to go, hopefully a little less rather than a little more. I told Jose that any day after 37 weeks (Jan 10th), we are game to start trying every home remedy there is. I will be drinking my black cohosh tea, taking my evening primrose oil, and rearranging all the furniture. As well as some other home remedies that are a little more fun for Jose :)

Baby's Gender: All the equipment is there...it's a boy

How Much Weight Have I Gained:
2 pounds since my last visit, which is right on target. That brings my total weight gain for the pregnancy to2 pounds. I am on track to gain about 10-15 pounds total.

Baby Movement:
Kicking away! Right now he is head down, and has stayed that way for 2 weeks. I had a horrible dream where he stayed head down until the last minute, and then flipped breech, and I had to have a C-section, ruining all my plans of natural birth. Praying that does not happen!

Body Changes:
Itchy, itchy skin! I am rubbing on the lotion like crazy. I should write a section about emotional changes. I haven't really been a bear this pregnancy, but the last week I have been insanely emotional about everything. I am on a roller coaster! As far as the doctor appointments go, I saw the endocrinologist on Monday in Lake Worth (the doc for my thyroid and my hypocalcemia). She said everything is going well so far with my thyroid. My calcium has been  a little low, but is getting better. My albumin was also low, which is a protein in your blood. This can usually be a little low during pregnancy, especially with low calcium levels. I have to increase my protein intake, which is hard because I have had such an aversion to eating it lately. As far as my OGTT/gestational diabetes screening, I PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS!!! I was so excited to hear that today. Praise God! My legs have been fairly swollen, but I am trying to keep them up. I wore heeled boots this week for about 6 hours, and totally regretted it. I won't be doing that again any time soon! 

Sleep Habits: Practically none, but that is more because of Jose working night shift than because of the baby in my belly. It's so hard to sleep in an empty bed! I tried to put Micah in with me earlier this week when Jose was working, but I ended up being "snuggled", or kicked, all night :)

Labor Cues: None so far other than Braxton Hicks...let's keep it that way.

What Micah Thinks of the Baby: This week, every time he gets in trouble, it's immediate crying, and "I won't be a big brother now!" A little bit of an emotional week for him. Jose and I have been trying to have a fun outing once a week or so and squeeze in family time before Levi gets here to make sure he knows that we haven't forgotten about him. I can tell he is starting to regress a little bit and be curious about baby things. He wants to know what Levi will eat, and how he will eat, and if he can drink mommy's milk like the baby. He wants to know if he can sleep in the crib. I have caught him going through the baby toys from when he was a baby, and playing with rattles and such. I am trying to just take it all in stride, and let him get it out. He has his moments, but I know he will make a great big brother.

Baby Prep So Far:  Nothing done since last week. I plan on buying my cloth diapering supplies on the day after Thanksgiving or Cyber Monday, because many diaper companies are having 20% off sales. With cloth being expensive, it's definitely the way to do it! I put our odds n ends baby supplies up on craigslist, hoping to get some bits so we can have a little extra to spend on the baby gear that we need. 

Plus Sized and Pregnant:
Now that I have started showing more, it's nice because I don't feel like such a cow, I feel pregnant. I am trying to relish every day, eat somewhat decently, and put my nursing knowledge aside so I quit thinking I have pre-eclampsia or some crazy pregnancy related disease. Right now, I am loving life :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The OGTT Kiss of Death

It elicits so much fear in me.
And most of you probably have never heard of it, had to take it, or care what it is.

The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, or OGTT, is a hellish one hour test that almost all pregnant women are put through between 24-28 weeks to screen for gestational diabetes. The basics are as follows: go the the lab, drink one of the bottles shown, wait exactly one hour, and have your blood drawn.

It truly is, for me, one of the most nerve wracking, stress inducing, worst parts about pregnancy. There are only three things I loathe about being pregnant, and they are, in order: vomiting repeatedly, having stitches after delivery, and the OGTT.

See, I am already predisposed to diabetes. It runs in my family- 3 of 4 grandparents have it. My mother could end up having it. I am overweight. It is something that I have always been afraid of. Type II Diabetes, to me, is a great disease to have if you have to pick one, because you can control it. But it's also a stupid one to have, because for the most part, it's completely preventable with they way you treat your body. My last pregnancy, my OGTT was within normal range by 5 points. It needs to be less than 130 to be okay, or they make you take a challenge test and drink twice as much,

This time around, I was prepared to do my own reading. Tuesday morning, armed with my own pocket glucometer (blood sugar checker), I tested my fasting glucose. 79. Not to shabby, The lemon lime drink can't touch me.

I go to Quest, lab sheet in hand, at 8:30. No breakfast, no water, the way-too-chipper gal hands me a 50 gram glucose drink, and I have to stand there in front of her and chug it. It is like drinking a flat Sprite, but WAY sweeter. A Sprite, I found out, has 38 grams of sugar. This is like drinking 1.3 Sprites in 10 seconds, but making it flat and warm. And for someone who doesn't buy soda, and drinks her tea in the south UNSWEET, it is enough to make me start getting nauseated before I even get back to the waiting room. "See you at 9:35!" she says. I don't even turn around.

I pace for a while, start reading my book, and decide to head to the car and read. At the half hour marker, I can't take it any more and whip out my glucometer to see how high I am. I can FEEL that it's high- nauseated, hands shaking from the sugar high (or nerves??), and I psych my self out to poke my finger. 166.

I AM DOOMED. Here I go. I am a raging diabetic. I knew it. Now I am having to give my self insulin every day. And have a grotesquely huge, 11 pound baby. And probably have a C Section. And my life is over as I know it. (This is where being a nurse and knowing the complications make me crazy)

I sit in the car for the next 30 minutes, and hover between crying, praying, trying to read, singing to the radio. I know things could be worse, it's not like I am waiting for a cancer biopsy, but to me, this is a big deal. I walk back in at 9:35 promptly. This little blonde brings me back to draw my blood, and I know she is new there. As in, totally inexperienced, and is in NO WAY hitting my troublesome veins. After digging around in my arm with a needle, she goes to find someone else more experienced to do the same. This lady gets me on the first try, I fake a smile, and waddle back to the car, mid-Braxton-Hick from all the stress. Levi is wiggling around in my belly, turbo charged from the sugar rush, and it's making me want to ralph.

I whip out my glucometer, and see the reading for my 1 hour marker: 122. Somewhat relieved, I am counting down the days to this Tuesday's appointment for my results.

Please, God, let it be less than 130!

Monday, November 8, 2010

28 Week Update- We made it to the 3rd Trimester!

How Far Am I: Starting the 3rd trimester today! 28 weeks down, roughly 10-14 to go depending on when God decides our bun is done baking.

Baby's Gender:
Totally boy. So excited to have a rowdy house :)

How Much Weight Have I Gained:
0 POUNDS! I am finally back to pre-pregnancy weight! I lost a bunch in the beginning from so much vomiting, and it took me until last week to break even. So from now on it's going to be gaining time.

Baby Movement:
Our little Levi Mateo is constantly moving, it seems. He is a very active baby- which means he will probably be a very active boy, just like his older brother. At night it takes a good hour of me laying down and being still before he will be still and I can sleep, sometimes longer. And it's not the graceful kind of movement either. It's the jabby, "let-me-outta-here" kind. Sorry, Levi, you have to stay in there!

Body Changes:
I have horrible, non-elastic skin, so last pregnancy, I got a million stretch marks even though I only gained about 15 pounds. They started around my belly button, then my breasts, then hips, and then by my bikini line. And you would think that since none of my skin really unstretched back, there would be plenty of room for my belly to expand. In theory, this is all good and well, but in real life, my belly is itching like crazy, and I know this is the precursor to having my belly look like a watermelon again with big ol' stripes on it. I am rubbing on the lotion like crazy, especially after the shower. It's amazing how your body changes being pregnant. I never lost my belly button last time, and I don't think I will this time either. That's a skinny mom thing :) My hands have been swelling a little, but nothing like last time. My legs are another story- especially if I work. I have to put them up at night. And I know if I have overdone it, because my normally cute toes expand to little vienna sausages that have no space in between them. I am going to start wearing support stockings on days that I work to keep the swelling down. It should prevent getting so many spider veins too.

Sleep Habits: Lately, with Jose starting night shift, it's hard to sleep by my self in a big lonely bed. I get in bed around 10:30-11, and my belly stops doing the disco around midnight. Usually I have to wake up at least twice to empty my bladder (Levi seems to think it's a stool to sit on in there) and then I can sleep until about 7ish, depending on when Micah gets up or Jose gets off. So I am averaging about 6 hours a night when all is said and done. I think the last trimester, God slowly starts shaving off the time you sleep at night to prepare you for being up with a little one every few hours.

Labor Cues: Braxton-Hicks have started becoming a little more frequent. Not every day, but when I am at work running my butt off, or moving stuff around in the house, I get them. Usually 2 or 3 in a row, and then they settle down. Last Tuesday and Wednesday I completely overdid it, and had them off and on all night.

What Micah Thinks of the Baby:
So far he is taking things really well, but I can tell there is a little jealousy starting to pop up. We have been trying to do things around the house for him and keep in included. Like setting up his bunk beds before putting the crib up. Or having a Mommy-Micah date. And talking about going to Disney after the baby is born, so he and Daddy can ride the big boy rides together. Almost every night, he kisses my belly good night. Lately, he is wanting to put his hands up my shirt and "snuggle Levi", which is fine at home, but at the football field this weekend, not so much :)

Baby Prep So Far:  We finally got all the junk cleaned out of the baby's room, and got things set up after a trip to IKEA that unloaded our bank account. We now have a crib set up, the changing table in the room, a dresser, and a few other little things. I went through all Micah's baby clothes (thank God I kept some), washed the 0-3 month ones, and got them into the dresser. We also got our diaper sprayers set up in the bathroom. They are kind of like the sprayer attachment on your sink to spray dishes with-- except they attach to the toilet. Itcan be used to spray diaper waste into the toilet, instead of having to swirl them around and get your hands dirty, or worse, have that end up in your washing machine. What we need to do so far is buy our cloth diapers, get our baby toiletries, breast feeding supplies, and a few other big items that we gave away, like a stroller, play pen, etc. Little by little! I feel like we are finally becoming a little more prepared, and the earlier it's done, the earlier I can relax and  move on to other house projects, like putting in floors!

Plus Sized and Pregnant:
People are so funny when it comes to what I look like pregnant. I have gotten everything under the sun...
"You're pregnant?! I thought you just put on a little weight, how far are you?!"
"When are you going to start showing? Are you sure you are eating enough?"
"Are you sure there is just one in there? Because you look huge already!"

I know that my body is changing, and has changed from last pregnancy, but I am proud to say that 4 years later, I am wearing the same maternity jeans as I did with Micah. And I know I will probably get more stretch marks, but it's an awesome price to pay for being a mom. Besides, I know after I deliver and start breast feeding, the weight will fly off and I will be back to normal quick. Maybe better than normal...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

These Times, They Are A Changing...

A day in the life of a pregnant heifer/mother of a preschooler means absolutely NO time for anything, so I am sure you can all forgive me for not posting for 2 weeks. And if you can't, then maybe you would care to rub my little sausage toes and swollen feet while I type. Or get me my second glass of water all day. Or just let me pee in peace... There will be the typical update for 26ish weeks after the doc on Tuesday.

*(Putting my feet up on the computer desk as we speak)*

This may end up as a vent, but some times venting gives you clarity about what you should do. You know, clears your head from all the mumbo jumbo lying around in there, and lets you see it for what it really is. So here goes.

I have really struggled the last 2 weeks, and that is part of the reason why I have not posted anything. Mostly, I have been wresting the bears of feeling like and inadequate parent, feeling like I am just a maid in my own home, and feeling SO overwhelmed--that in roughly three months it will be "baby makes 4", and the madness will ensue.

I am currently working part time as a nurse. Two shifts a week, and each shift is usually 12-13 hours. Jose (THANK GOD) is graduated, and working his tail off as a trauma nurse at the local trauma hospital, and is doing a mighty fine job of it if I do say so my self. Let me give you an idea of the last week:

Sunday- 14 hour shift
Monday- called in on my day off, 6 hours 
Tuesday-cleaning like crazy, keeping Micah quiet because Jose works at night and has to sleep,  band practice
Wednesday-keeping Micah busy while Jose sleeps during the day, Jose works at night, youth group
Thursday- keeping Micah busy while Jose sleeps again, Jose works again at night, Micah is at the grandparents
Friday-I work day shift, Jose sleeps all day, he goes in to work, and I get off after him and pick up Micah
Saturday- Catch up day, grocery shop, bills, keep Micah busy, Jose works at night
Sunday (today)- I work all day, Jose goes in tonight, thankfully my parents watched Micah while I was working. 

How this is in any way conducive to keeping a child in a routine, or keeping a marriage healthy, is beyond me. Micah kissed Jose in the morning Thursday before Jose went to bed to sleep for work, and has not seen him all weekend, and won't until tomorrow at 7:30am when Jose off. I know it's only for a season, and I know Jose is trying to move to day shift, and that at least he has work in today's economy...BUT...I just desire to have consistency and peace in my house- not be left trying to keep my head above water whilst the house is falling apart around me, having an almost 4 year old rebelling because he misses his daddy, and feeling constantly drained while being asked for more, more, more.

I know for sure I am taking my full 12 weeks off. And I know I am a nurse that is pretty good at what I do. I like it, I love my patients, and I want to stay active in medicine. But I am having such a hard time rationalizing going back even 2 days a week, especially if Jose is working nights. We talked about it last night, and I think I will maybe work every other weekend or so, just to get out and keep my self current, but then I can actually stay home and be a mommy most of the time. When I had Micah, I went back to school 5 days a week and working 35 hours a week when he was 8 weeks old-- and I never got to just be Mommy, and relish my time at home with him. I am so torn- I love my profession, and don't want to quit, but I love my family more. 

Besides, I am really getting excited about doing all the mommy stuff again. For instance, I got a really cool (almost sexy) nursing wrap that I am so excited to use: 

 And last time I hardly had the chance to breastfeed, and I wanted to so badly. All of the work and stress from going back when he was 8 weeks dried me up after a week, so I want to do everything I can this time to do it for longer because it truly is the best gift you can give your baby that early. I am excited about diapering with my cute cloth diapers and saving a boat load of money. I am excited about him and Micah getting to know each other. I am excited to get a dog for them some day. And excited about late nights, and crying, and colic, and everything that comes with being a mom. 

So I think in the coming months, I will be hanging my hat on being a nurse except a couple days a month to keep active with my license and what is happening in the hospital. Besides, I will have enough of my own nursing to do. At home. With my new cool wrap :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 23/24 Update

How Far Am I: 23 Weeks, 4 days...Monday marks 6 months down!

Baby's Name/Sex: It's a boy! Levi Mateo Molinuevo should be coming to meet us sometime in January.

How Much Weight Have I Gained: Net: - 3. From 20-24 weeks I have basically gained 1 pound. Not to shabby so far :) Near the end, you gain it so much fatter. I mean faster...heheh.

Baby Movement: This little guy definitely takes after his brother Micah. I have never once gotten to feel the gentle, graceful, wave like movements. It's always been jabs or pokes or jumps or hiccups from the beginning! Jose laughs when my belly is perfectly still, and then jerks like a hamster under a blanket. World, be prepared for another child who is 110% boy...

Feeling Pregnant:  I am finally moving out of that stage where you don't look pregnant, you just look fat. I have a shirt that says "We're hungry," and I actually felt comfortable wearing it and looking pregnant, instead of looking like an overweight schizophrenic wearing one of those third-person shirts. I love that it's getting awkward to shave my legs, and that at work no one wants me to move a patient. Come on, it's not like he is going to pop out, right?!

What Micah Thinks of the Baby:  "Levi and me are going to be bestest brothers." "Mom, can we save my toys for Levi?" "Does Levi love me yet?" He wants to know about Levi ALL DAY LONG, which is actually a huge relief for me. I know at this age some children can become extremely jealous, and he has been the total opposite! Funny of the week, as we are leaving to go to West Palm Beach:

"MOM!!! Did you pack Levi?"
"Yes, he is already in my belly and set to go."
"Is he safe and warm?"
"Okay, lets go already!"

Baby Prep So Far:  I have all my old bottles washed and sterilized, and got my breast pump out and made sure it was in working order. Yeah, I am old school and like to do things natural.So shoot me :)  I think God did a great job inventing a way for us to give our babies the best possible nutrition, and I am so excited to do it again! I want to nurse longer this time. Last time I got cut short- but that's what going back to school with an 8 week old infant will do to you. Starting to get cloth diapering stuff figured out, and we got Micah's old cloths out to see what we need. The next 2 weeks are going to involve laying down new flooring in our house, and once that is done, moving around furniture and making Levi's room livable!

Plus Sized and Pregnant: I am very proud to say that I went to my endocrinologist this week and she is pleased with my progress. My weight gain has been fine (they were concerned that I wasn't gaining enough in the beginning from so much vomiting, but that's typical for me). My blood sugar has been fine- I think I am more paranoid about me becoming a diabetic that my doctor is . My thyroid is stable. And I feel fantastic! I swear, I look great on paper. I am just a svelte hot mom in a little extra padding for safe keeping :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Whoa There Nellie...

Now that I am only feeling disgusting once in a blue moon, the time has come to start hauling all of our old baby clothing, bottles, and other necessary items out of the spare room and attic. So far, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed, in that whereintheworlddoibegin, head-scratching way. So here is a little idea of what has been going on in our house...

Not only are we preparing for a new addition to our family, we have been trying to make necessary improvements on our house now that my hubby has graduated from college and is making decent money. Things like gutters. Flooring. New furniture. So we have decisions to make: Do we spend money on baby things that we know we need, or spend money on things for the house now, and let the baby stuff come later? And just pray that all of the house things get done before the baby decides to come?

Somebody told me recently that I shouldn't worry about getting anything done for the baby. "You already got what you need to feed it. The good Lord blessed you with those. You don't need a crib, my baby slept in a draw for two months. Put a real soft blanket in there. He'll be fine. Besides, I can guarantee he won't remember it."

WHAT?! What in the WHAT?! I expected that to come from some one named Bobbi Sue, with a missing front tooth, giving me advice on the front porch of her trailer with a hound out front. But no, this was a well-to-do member of our church, two nice cars in front of her nice house, with her nice kids, and her nice husband. 

Still scratching my head on that one, I decided to wash the linens to the Moses basket, make my wish list for IKEA, and work on the house.

Then there is the matter of naming the child to be. Jose and I have been tossing around names for weeks since we found out it was a boy (okay, 2 weeks, but it seems like a long time). Jose HATES calling him "the baby", or even worse, "it", so we are hard-core name hunting. So far, we have batted around the following:
  • Liam- "will, desire and helmet, protection"
  • Colby- "coalworker" (darn that it doesn't mean something extravagant!)
  • Mattis or Mattias -"Gift of God" (prounounced the Spanish way - Ma- teese or Ma- tias)
  • Levi- "combined" 
  • Reed- "red or reeds, cleared land"
  • Jasper- "treasure; spotted stone"
And a plethora of  other names have been shot down! I have a feeling that unless something divine happens, we won't be naming "the baby" until we see his tiny face. SO hard for us, since we knew Micah was Micah before he was even conceived. By the way, let me know if you have any rad names...we are open to suggestions!

One last thing- I read an article on pregnancy and the second trimester that slightly perturbed me. Now, I know pregnant women get all "don't mess with me" because of hormones, but I believe this was legitimate perturb-ation. "Are you suffering from these symptoms during pregnancy? Backache? Indigestion? Swollen ankles? Moodiness?" The list went on and on, and then proceeded to talk about different spas, treatments, things to prevent heartburn, and support groups for mothers-to-be feeling the same way. I was almost angered. Suffering? Since when did one of the greatest blessings of all time become akin to SUFFERING? Since when did women need a support group to discuss their 'plight'  of pregnancy? 

Taking a few minutes to take it all in, I thanked God for my little unnamed belly wiggling around. I thanked Him for having a house to bring him home to- even though it's in shambles and being remodeled. I thanked Him for the joys of big brother Micah, who is already planning their adventures. I love my life, my husband, our crazy quests, and where God is taking us. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 20 Update

How Far Am I: As of today, 20 weeks, 2 days. BEYOND HALFWAY!! Woot woot! 

Baby's Gender: It's a boy! Jose strikes again...I told him that if we get a dog, it has to be a girl, because I am completely outnumbered.

How Much Weight Have I Gained: Net: - 4. Still haven't made it back to my pre-preggers weight, but I have plenty of time to get there. I am not really pushing the issue of gaining weight. My body has more than enough reserves for the baby...

Baby Movement: Moving much more at night, or an hour or so after I eat. I am still somewhat sleeping on my belly (more on my side) and when I lay like that, I can really feel the wiggling. Every time Jose puts his hands or head on my belly, the baby completely stops moving! Poor hubby hardly ever gets to feel it.

Feeling Pregnant:  Definitely feeling good still, which never ceases to amaze me! I keep waiting for the relapse...last night I had french toast for dinner (we eat breakfast for dinner sometimes). An hour later, I was not feeling so hot, but I never once threw up. I just can't believe it- last time I would have been laying my head on the cool porcelain, thinking, "when will it ever end?!" 

What Micah Thinks of the Baby:  During the ultrasound, the tech asks me, "Can you tell what you are having?" Right away, I knew it was a boy again. She told Micah he was going to have a baby brother, and he crossed his arms, pouted his lip out, and almost started to cry. He told me later, "It was supposed to be a girl, Mommy! I like girls better!" We had to have quite a chat on all the exciting, rowdy, dangerous things that brothers get to do...he is starting to warm up to the idea. Last night, he kissed his baby brother good night and hugged my belly. So sweet.

Baby Prep So Far:  Now that we know what we are working with...Let the organizing begin! We have decided that they are going to share rooms, and it helps that Micah wants bunk beds so badly. We are going to take a trip up to IKEA in the next week or so to get some new storage stuff for their room, as well as for the rest of the house. We gave away a lot last time, so it's taking some time to go back through everything and figure out what we can use again, the big stuff we need, etc. Some one asked me when I was going to register, but I thought you don't do that the second time around. I didn't even think you had a shower, but my mother informed me I was wrong...I think she wants an excuse to spoil the next one!

Plus Sized and Pregnant:Thank God for skirts and goucho pants, because I am just not feeling like wearing maternity jeans all the time. It is amazing how much quicker you show the second time around compared to the first. We got a glucometer (to monitor blood sugar) for home, and I have been checking it a few times a week just to make sure that it's not crazily high. My thyroid (or lack there of, since it was removed) medication is back under control, and I am feeling MUCH better. According to my husband, I look great being pregnant, but I feel like I am just at the stage where it's questionable to someone that doesn't know me. I just look like... a pregnant heifer :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

...because I am possibly crazy....

So I must explain. I know you will probably say I am crazy, and I will probably say that down the road somewhere too, but I think we are...gulp... cloth diapering...

I know what you are thinking...the same thing thousands of other moms have thought. Disgusting. Stains. Smells. More work. Line drying. Old fashioned. Diaper pins. Leaks...the list goes on.

But let me tell you what I am thinking: Endless amounts of garbage. Chemicals that I cannot pronounce on my child's skin from birth. A huge amount of money invested, pooped on, and thrown away.

I think it's worth the extra effort to have our child's hiney in something that can last from child to child. Plus, it will save a TON in the wallet, especially if we can save them for another child. Check this out:

This is a chart from a mother made in 2003, and this is only savings for one child. After investing in the diapers, they are yours for many children to come!

Jose and I have been toying around with this idea for a few months, ever since we found out were were pregnant. The deal breaker was at Jose's work party this past Thursday, where I met two lovely women who cloth-diapered--or CD'ed, as I found out from my instructional session-- their two girls.

I have never met two nicer lesbians in my life. They have two beautiful girls, one of whom is still in diapers, one of whom is out, and they are thinking about having another- they want to try for a boy (not sure how THEY are going to try, but whatever). I saw the youngest toddling around with what I thought was a diaper cover, until I saw the telltale cloth poking out from inside...I proceeded to ask one of her mommies if she was cloth diapering, and BINGO! I got everything I ever needed to know. And then some. Like how they met. How they chose their sperm donor. Who was the mommy and who was the daddy in the relationship. How they would raise a boy. Who is the bread winner...and on and on and on...

And while I was there on the beach, watching Jose play football with Micah, one of the lesbian's daughters, and a colleague's son, I was inspired. They made the commitment to try it, and it worked out amazing for them- many dollars saved, and hineys protected.

If she (and she) can do it, than so can I.

Week 18 Update

How Far Am I: As of today, 18 weeks, 1 day. Two weeks til the half way mark!

How Much Weight Have I Gained: Net: - 6. So Far I am still in the green. Last time around, I gained a total of 12 pounds, and I don't want to gain a whole chunk of a lot more than that. I left the hospital last time in my regular jeans, and I plan to again :) The hard part: not throwing up any more. Pregnancy-induced bulimia makes the weight gain much more easy to manage, ha!

Baby Movement: Baby is moving as we speak. It must like mint chocolate chip icecream...

Feeling Pregnant:  Pros: This week has been rad! I am actually starting to experience the whole "second-trimester-glow" that I never go to have last time because of being so sick. I haven't thrown up in a week- and it's dangerous to say that, because usually I have to throw up right after making any kind of statement about how long it's been... Cons: None of my bras fit. Or jeans. My hunka-burnin-love does not mind the bras not fitting; however, "my cup runneth over" is not so much a positive thing right now...

What Micah Thinks of the Baby:  He is so excited! Today we were at the park, and there was a double slide, two right next to each other... "One for me, and one for my baby, Mom!" I love that he calls the baby "my baby."

Baby Prep So Far:  Again, nothing done. I have lofty goals of going to IKEA in about 10 days and getting some storage stuff for Micah's room, as well as a few baby things, but the bulk of stuff is going to have to be bought after we find out the sex.

Plus Sized and Pregnant: I found a shirt that says "WE'RE HUNGRY" on it...How fitting since I can actually eat now! Speaking of eating, I have to really watch my diet and keep walking these next few weeks, because I don't want any funny business with my blood sugar. Diabetes runs in the family, and I am a little paranoid of having pregnancy-induced diabetes, so low carbs, here we come.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 17 Update

How Far Am I: Monday marked 17 weeks pregnant. Only 23 (roughly) to go!

How Much Weight Have I Gained: Net: - 10. (Weeks 1-15, I lost 13 pounds. I have gained back 3 of those.)

Baby Movement: Started feeling the baby move roughly 2 weeks ago. It's not consistent yet, but more noticeable when I am lying down, or right after I throw up.

Feeling Pregnant:  Starting to have the back ache I had last time. By 30 weeks I had constant sciatic pain, but so far it's not that bad. Throwing up has slowed from numerous times a day, to less than 3 times a day, a few days a week. SO much better! But any time I throw up, it definitely takes a lot out of me. I usually have to lay down for a bit after because I start cramping...let's keep this baby in there!

What Micah Thinks of the Baby:  Right now, "It's a good thing. I am happy about it. I want it to be a girl. I want to name her Lucy."

Baby Prep So Far:  Almost nothing is done and it's scaring me! We are waiting to find out on 9/13 what we are having, and then it's going to be one big trip to IKEA. I gave away most of my baby stuff to friends that needed it. One lady that Jose knew that was in an abusive relationship and trying to get out while pregnant, so we gave her our old car, and as a present put our old infant car seat into it. Thank God for my friend Tara, who as I have handed stuff off, has handed me her old stuff. I love the way it all works out!

Plus Sized and Pregnant: So far, I have one pair of jeans left that still fit-- and I am wearing the heck out of them! I am starting to wear maternity pants here and there, which scared me at first because I didn't wear them last time until close to my 6th month. So far, everyone is assuring me that you show quicker the second time around. Some things just aren't fair: Lose 13 pounds, but your jeans don't fit. Odd. 

...let the posting begin...

Okay, here goes...

I must preface myself here. There are a few things that I must get off my chest before the games begin. First of all, for those of you who know me, there is no real sugar coating of anything I say, so my blog will be the same. This is the real life, sometimes sticky, messy, emotional roller coaster of pregnancy that YOU ALL wanted to see, so I am putting it out there.

And yes, I am sarcastic, which can actually make for good reading...
And yes, I am a nurse, which will sometimes account for more details than you ever needed...
And yes, for my friend Tiffany, I will probably post a belly shot or two, which may induce vomiting on your part or mine...

Now that we got that over with, we can get to the good stuff! I will be putting up a weekly (sometimes more if things ever get interesting) post of the typical recorded preggo stuff: How many weeks I am. How much weight I have gained. What makes me feel like I am pregnant. What I am craving. What I have actually gotten done in preparation for the baby. And then, my friends, we will add the toddler-mom, plus-sized, making-ends-meet spin on it.

Thanks for following, and look for a post later today!