Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tidbits As Of Late...

So much has gone on the last month or so... I really feel that life is flying by at warp speed. I don't know what comes after warp speed (maybe hyper speed?) but I know it's approaching so quickly! Here's a little peek into our lives the last few weeks, and what has been going on.

As of today, I am basically considered "good to go" for our home birth. It's the 37 week mark. We had our home visit last week with our midwife Jyl and her two assistants to make sure we have every thing in order, and that went well. I still have white-coat syndrome with her- it's ridiculous!- so my BP goes up about 20 points every time I have a visit, but other than that, things are doing fine. Baby is head down, I am taking it easy as I have started to feel uber pregnant, and Jose and I are about as prepared for birth as we can be.

Micah has finished his first two weeks of first grade, and is enjoying every second of it! He has three teachers this year, depending on the subject and day: Mrs. Pam, Mrs. Tara, and Mrs. Tiffany. He adores every one of them. He is also excited because one of his closest friends is going to school with him now, and he gets to see him so often! He did great on his first spelling test, and actually looks forward to more tests because it was so "fun."

My baby sister is getting married the same week I am due, and I am so excited for her!  We are having her wedding shower this weekend, and my other sister, my mom, and I are all working together on an afternoon of surprises for her. It's going to be a blast, and I am so excited to be celebrating her and her fiance Paul's upcoming wedding. He is so good to her, and it's so amazing to see her being treated so well. I got to see her gown last weekend, and it brought all the memories of Jose and my wedding flooding back. I am going to be an emotional wreck if I can make it to the wedding!

We scored a glider for $25 off craigslist. And it was made for a short person like me! I know, it sounds trivial, but my feet are always dangling because I can't reach the ground. It's in the corner in our room, along with a boppy pillow that was handed down from a friend, and the Moses basket made by my grandmother that all our kids have slept in.

I am getting asked by total random strangers about childbirth. Take, for instance, these questions from the medical assistant at my endocrinologist's office:
"So, do you have to ride a scooter when you are pregnant or are you allowed to walk?"
"Are you in pain? Like right now?"
"Oh my gosh, you had your kids NATURAL? Oh, not uhhh...."
"So you just, like, hard cored it, shot them out?"
"Did you look in the mirror down there when their face was all like this?"
She proceeded to put her hands to her face like the picture below, acting like she was a crowning baby. I have never had to keep a laugh in so bad!

God is providing for Jose and I, and it's continually blowing us away. We have had so many answers to prayer over the last few weeks. Friends randomly dropped off groceries to us because they felt led to by God. They just showed up at our house after Jose and I had payed all our bills on payday, and came to $91 left over for the following 2 weeks to cover all our expenses for 4 people (gas, food, etc). We had a friend give us extra sheet sets for our bed, which was a need for our birth. We got a gift card that was just enough for me to get a few diaper covers that we needed for the newbie. Also, someone is going to buy our car seat for us. So while we may not have an abundance, God is meeting our needs for the moment we are in! It really is Psalm 23:1 being lived out- "I lack nothing." Jose also may have an opportunity to pick up some home care patients, which would be a little extra income here and there. We still have needs, but since giving them over to God, our stress has gone way down, and we have gotten to witness God do some cool stuff. Keep praying that God provides enough for a few more baby items, and makes a way for us to obtain a second vehicle.

Jose and I went out on a real, bonafide date for the first time in ages. We went for Thai and sushi (a first for Jose), and he actually enjoyed the sushi! I was so surprised when he ordered a spicy tuna roll (which is raw), and I was completely floored when he ate it and LIKED it. It was even more delicious to just be out and enjoy each others company, uninterrupted, no kiddos to corral, just the sound of rain on the restaurant roof and us in our own private world... er, booth.

That's a nutshell of what has happened these last few weeks.

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