Friday, April 6, 2012

Pumpkin Baby: 13 Weeks of Baking Done!

13 Weeks- No wonder I can't sleep on my belly, my uterus is the size of a grapefruit!

How Far Am I: umm, you just read that :) 13 weeks and change down. My first trimester is done!

Baby's Gender: We will find out in approx 6 weeks. Right now we have no preference- another boy would be super easy since we are pretty much prepared, and boys make for a rowdy but fun house. A girl would be great too! And having two older brothers to beat up guys coming around in high school... priceless.

How Much Weight Have I Gained: -10.
For the first 6 weeks, I basically had no appetite, but only threw up maybe 3-5 times a week. Yes, gross, but a drastic improvement from other pregnancies. With our first, I was on medications and close to being in the hospital at some points from hyperemisis- I lost 26 lbs and would throw up 10+ times a day. Maybe it's a girl this time? Or am I just getting used to pregnancy hormones?

Cravings: Not much- trying to eat a balanced diet, and increase my iron. It was a little low on my last lab draw, but the iron pills are killing my stomach. Extra spinach, beans, meat, etc are being added. The only things I really "crave" are things a little fancier- right now, I am eating a baguette with herbed goat cheese, fresh cut basil, and sliced grape tomatoes. SO yummy!

Baby Movement: None really yet. Although sometimes I feel little flutters that could just be rumbling- but maybe since I know what I am looking for, I am feeling it earlier.

Body Changes: I am in that "I can't wear regular jeans but don't look pregnant yet" stage. Basically just knowing that my stomach is growing, and to the rest of the world I just look fat :)

Sleep Habits: Practically none, but that is more because of Jose working night shift than because of the baby in my belly. It's so hard to sleep in an empty bed! I tried to put Micah in with me earlier this week when Jose was working, but I ended up being "snuggled", or kicked, all night :)

What Micah (5) /Levi (15 mos) Think of the Baby: Micah says he wants another boy, because boys are "easier to love" than girls, and more fun. And he doesn't want to have girls stuff everywhere in our house. He also told me that he is glad that I breastfeed, since he thinks "boobies are pretty much epic." No kidding, buddy, wait until you're married someday... Oi vey. Levi has learned how to say baby, and likes to touch a baby doll that I have around the house. He has no clue, obviously, that he will be sharing me in 6 months. Oh, the devastation to ensue...

Baby Prep So Far: None!

Plus Sized, Nursing, and Pregnant: I am currently taking each and every day on it's own. When I look at the grand scheme of things, it's somewhat overwhelming! I am glad that I have learned to have that attitude over the last year of staying at home, because it's taught me that life is too short to freak out about your jeans not fitting, or tandem feeding two babies at once. It's all a blessing, it's all a journey, and I am just along for the ride. I am loving our midwife, and am so excited that Jose is coming with me to my next appointment- hopefully we will hear a loud and strong heartbeat.

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